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Riegele Noctus 100

Riegele Noctus 100, Brauhaus Riegele
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
21 / 24
37 / 40
6 / 6
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Deriving its name from the Latin word "Night" and 100 EBC units. Noctus pours jet black with a thick creamy froth and a rich malt aroma of bitter chocolate and hints of coffee. Noctus drinks with a velvety mouthfeel and a deep and rich flavor profile, that is both complex and balanced. Notes of chocolate and dark fruit accompany the roasted malt that define the intense character of this award-winning Imperial Stout.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
64º F
Hallertauer Opal, Hallertauer Hersbrucker
Steffi, Caramunich, Roasted Barley, Malted Oat, Wheat
Judges Review 
Michael Heniff's picture
Judges Rating:
21 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Riegele Noctus 100 by Brauhaus Riegele is an Imperial Stout and is being evaluated as an Imperial Stout (category 20C in the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines). Imperial Stouts are the strongest of the stout family and are noted for their strength and complexity with a myriad of dark malt flavors typically including roasted, chocolate, coffee and caramel malts.

This Imperial Stout pours black in color, opaque, with a very dark brown head. The aroma is moderate roasted and chocolate malt with an abundance of dark and dried fruit esters of plums, currants and prunes. The body is full and smooth with a light carbonation and a hint of alcohol warmth. The flavor is moderate chocolate and roasted malts, slightly sweet with a background of caramel malts and prune esters. This stout finishes malty and sweet with chocolate and roasted malts and currant esters. This is a flavorful stout that is a bit more English in character with a somewhat less aggressive malt profile and a higher ester presence than its American counterparts. Enjoy!

Brewery Introduction

We love beer. As a beverage, as a philosophy. Beer is joy. Beer is community. Beer stands for a pleasurable way of life. Honorable, down to earth, non-pedantic. Although it is unbelievably variable and multi-facetted, beer, while complex, is not complicated. Whereby beer is a world unto itself,... Read More