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Hop Select

Hop Select
Judges Ratings 

PALM Hop Select is a complex yet balanced top-fermentation connoisseurs’ beer with a reasonable alcohol content. Its specific hop aroma comes from the aromatic Hallertau Mittelfrüh hop variety. The carefully selected PALM yeast gives this beer its banana-like fruitiness, and the special PALM malts provide its subtle touch of caramel. Bottle conditioning ensures fine sparkling and an excellent shelf-life. PALM Hop Select undergoes hopping in three stages. An initial hopping at the start of the boiling process ensures the bitter flavour. The specific hop aroma comes from the Hallertau Mittelfrüh. This aromatic hop variety is added as a second hopping at the end of boiling and as a third hopping during dry hopping (end of fermentation), when Hallertau Mittelfrüh from our own hop field is used.

Beverage Profile
Judges Review 

Brewery Introduction

The history of PALM Breweries goes back to 1686. At that time Theodoor Cornet, estate manager of Diepensteyn Castle, was the proprietor of an inn opposite the church in Steenhuffel. He brewed beer and distilled jenever there for his guests, also brewing a heavier “Counts’ beer” for the Lords of... Read More
