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Hop Manna IPA

New York
United States
Shmaltz Hop Manna IPA, Schmaltz Brewing Co.
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
16 / 24
32 / 40
5 / 6
7 / 10
Overall Impression:
15 / 20

Our beloved single IPA is the answer to hop heads' prayers for a delicious IPA bearing floral and citrus goodness.

Beverage Profile
Warrior, Cascade, Citra, Amarillo, Crystal, Centennial. DRY HOPS: Centennial, Cascade, Citra
Specialty Two-Row, Wheat, Munich, Vienna, CaraMunich 40
Judges Review 
Dan Martich's picture
Judges Rating:
16 / 24
5 / 6
32 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression:
15 / 20

Hop Manna by Shmaltz Brewing Co. is being evaluated as an American IPA (Category 21A) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines. 

Reddish copper with a light tan head with a light haze, the head texture was foamy with big bubbles that quickly collapsed.

Initial layered aromas of caramel, and biscuit malt with a low degree of orange peel and pine from the hops. A subtle malty sweetness is detected but really nothing more. A bit of a stale note develops; this is further verified by the date on the bottle showing to be 3 months old. Hops become skunky when the glass is swirled, as oxidation is also roused. Very light floral notes are detected as it warms.

The flavor resembles the aroma; muted notes of hops, grains and caramel malt with a high bittering finish, the beer leaves the palate bone dry. The balance is toward the bittering hops, as it is hard to discern the flavor hops character. Clean fermentation without too many esters but they could have disappeared given the age of the bottle.

Medium-full body, with medium high carbonation as per the style guidelines. There’s an unpleasant astringency factor possibly from the hops given the high bitterness. The alcoholic warmth is medium-high and increases as the beer warms up.

An average beer that has probably seen better days. As an agricultural product, beer as most produce, has its peaks and valleys. The off aroma and flavor notes speak to this beer’s freshness. I’d like to sample this beer fresher; when the aromas and flavors are in their prime. 

Brewery Introduction

Award Winning Beer and Delicious Shtick Since 1996! - Shmaltz Brewing started in northern California in 1996, our first He’brew creation, Genesis Ale, came in 22s, hand bottled, hand labeled and delivered out of my grandmothers’ Volvo. Founded as “a Jewish celebration craft beer” by proprietor... Read More