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Star Chart

New York
United States
Star Chart, War Horse Brewing Co.
Judges Ratings 

Ever lose your GPS signal in the middle of nowhere? Imagine finding your way home by the stars and that old paper map your Dad insisted you keep in the car "just in case". Star Charts and instinct were all the WWII Navigators had at their disposal. On long flights over the Pacific, the Pilot would spend what little fuel they had to climb above the clouds where the Navigator would get one chance to pick the right star from millions in the sky. Choosing wrong would mean flying off course by hundreds of miles. Somehow, they almost always made it there and back.
Star Chart is a crisp, easy drinking beer that we hop just enough to give it a fresh twist. It's the best of both worlds, like using your GPS but still keeping that map tucked under your seat. Cheers to the Celestial Navigator and the principles of instinct, training, trust, and teamwork.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
40 - 45º
Lemondrop, Mandarina, Crystal
Pilsner, Two Row, Wheat
Judges Review 
