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Best-Of Lists

Kinkajou Bottle Cutter
Whenever the holiday season rolls around, you know that incessant gift-giving isn’t far behind. While it’s certainly easier to just toss an Amazon...
The Walking Dead Beer
Sleeping isn’t as easy as it used to be. Whenever you can find safe shelter (which is rare) a constant, gnawing fear remains. Every night, you hear...
We asked our international correspondents to nominate and vote on the world’s best beer cities. The majority of them live outside the U.S., but not...
Presidents Laughing Beer Connoisseur
A special video presentation by The Beer Connoisseur starring Malt Bill Clinton, Beerack O'Bomber and other famous presidents in time for ...
Game of Thrones Beer
In advance of the season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones, we sit back on our non-iron thrones and ponder what beers some of the major characters on HBO...
235+ Beer Quotes to Share over Your Next Pint
Beer, one of the oldest and most cherished beverages in human history, has inspired countless words of wisdom full of humor and reflection over the...
Whether you’re looking for a reason to travel or you just want to add another fantastic beer event to your itinerary, here’s a sampler of the top 20...
The Top Rated Beers of the Year
If one wanted to write an ode to beer styles, our top rated beers of 2014 would make a good starting point. There’s a very engaging pale beer, a...

