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5 Beverages to Drink On a Health Kick

Explore creative beverage options for a healthier lifestyle: from alcohol-free mocktails to zero-calorie mixers. Discover delicious alternatives to help you stick to your New Year's goals without sacrificing social enjoyment

5 Beverages to Drink On a Health Kick

Every year, thousands of people set a New Year’s goal in the hopes of becoming a better version of themselves. Some people decide to exercise every day, while others want to cut back on alcohol consumption. However, if you’re a social butterfly with a full calendar, kicking a habit in order to stick with your goals may not be all that easy. However, it might get a bit easier if you’re creative with your beverage types, such as the healthy options below.


If you’ve got driving commitments and want to avoid having to call a DUI attorney and contribute to drunk driving statistics, mocktails can be on the menu. While they look and even taste similar to cocktails with an alcoholic base, they are entirely alcohol-free. 

Mocktails allow you to get creative with flavors, which means you can opt for low-calorie mixers to keep you on the straight and narrow with your health kick. What’s more, there are hundreds of different options, so you may even find a new hobby in preparing these delicious drinks. 

Non-Alcoholic Beer

As much as it can feel pointless to drink beer without alcohol, it can be a suitable option for many people. You may have decided to go alcohol-free for six months or a year, or you may be getting behind the wheel of a car once the night ends. 

Not everyone wants to sip a glass of water over the evening or drink sugary soda or energy drinks. A zero-alcohol beer can look and taste like beer, but without the New Year resolution guilt attached to it. 


When you’re focusing on becoming a healthier version of yourself, deciding what to drink can be hard. You’ll likely want to add more water to your diet, but you may also find yourself bored with the monotony of it. 

If you drink coffee, then getting creative with your choices may be the answer. Research shows that coffee may be able to improve your energy levels, burn fat, and even improve your physical performance. What’s more, some exciting new coffee products on the market come with added vitamins to kick your performance into overdrive. 

Zero Calorie Mixers

If your intention isn’t to give up alcohol but to make better choices, you may like to consider zero-calorie mixers. Some spirits do not contain many calories, with vodka featuring around 100 calories in every shot. However, mixers that you put with them can often be loaded with sugar. Fortunately, the alcohol market is ever-evolving. There are plenty of low or no-calorie mixer options to pair with your spirit of choice. 

Detox Beverages

Suppose you did enjoy a night out with your favorite beverages, like vodka, gin, or a sugary mixer. In that case, you may be looking for something to cleanse your body of toxins and feel at your best once more. 

While on a health kick, you can try many of the cleansing beverages available. These drinks achieve different things, but most are designed to be tasty while flushing out your kidneys and trapping impurities. 

It can be easy to forget that any beverage can add to your daily calorie count. Before you go on a night out with your friends, think about the many alcohol-free and low-sugar options that could replace the more calorie-dense drinks you consumed in the past.
