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Predrag Milicevic's picture

5 Drinks to Consider When at The Bingo Hall

5 Drinks to Consider When at The Bingo Hall

As the world of online bingo grows with each passing moment, players from London to Lima are getting in on the fun.

Yet whilst online bingo offers a whole host of unique advantages over traditional formats, the truth is that the bingo hall does hold a certain kind of allure for many of us. Whether through the camaraderie of the halls or the opportunity to have a few drinks with friends, bingo is one of the most social of all pastimes.

Whilst true that online bingo is overtaking traditional brick and mortar-based forms of the game, there remain benefits to the original format. According to a spokesperson for BingoSites: “We are seeing an increase in engagement from players online. This coincides with the overarching trend of bingo growth on the web, with younger gamers now engaging at higher numbers than ever.”

“Yet it should be said that as the world continues to open up post-COVID-19, players are returning to bingo halls across the planet for a variety of reasons including social interaction, habit and of course the chance to have a few drinks!”

In this article, we will look at 5 drinks to consider when at the bingo hall. From the classic accompaniment of a pint of lager to somewhat more refined options, we will go through the whole range of drinks that make the bingo hall experience that bit more special.

So, without further ado, let’s discover the top 5 drinks to consider at the bingo hall, starting with an undisputed classic.


Surely the most common of all drinks at bingo halls across the planet – and particularly in the U.K. – beer is a wonderfully refreshing option to keep players in peak condition for some serious ‘eyes-down’ action!

Lager is probably the most widely consumed form of beer at bingo halls, with other drinks like bitter, stout and mild also popular in both pint and half pint sizes. Hitting the sweet spot between potent and not too strong, the next time you’re at the bingo hall be sure to consider a pint or two to go along with your game!


It’s no secret that people love to drink a glass or two of wine when enjoying a game of bingo! Red, white or even rosé, wine is without question among the top drinks to consider when at the bingo hall.


From whiskey to gin, rum to brandy, spirit have long been a key fixture in the bingo world. Stronger than wine or beer and better sipped than gulped, a couple of doubles accompanied by some serious bingo fun is guaranteed to keep things exciting!

Soft Drinks

For some, bingo will always be tied to the chance to enjoy a few drinks. Yet the truth is that you need not imbibe alcohol when at the hall! Soft drinks from cola to lemonade and even a cup of coffee can be a great way to stay refreshed at the bingo hall.


For many this may be unthinkable, but a simple glass of water can often be the best choice for a drink at the bingo hall. Hydration plays a key role in mental performance and if you’re looking for an edge on your opponents, a cold drink of water is guaranteed to help!


mcatapang123's picture

Nice content, well detailed, and really interesting. Thank you!
