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8 Tips for the Buyer: How to Choose a Beer?

8 Tips for the Buyer: How to Choose a Beer?

Who doesn't like to drink beer when our soul is calm, it's quiet and warm outside, and you've just made an excellent bet in 20Bet mobile? Beer is an old low-alcohol drink made from barley malt and hops, obtained by fermentation with brewer's yeast. The beer has gained popularity in many countries of the world due to its wonderful taste and pleasant aroma. More than a thousand varieties of this drink are known to people, and the taste of each of them is unique.

Basic Tips for Choosing a Beer:

Don't chase brands

According to the requirements, the beer must be produced according to a certain technology provided by the company, if all the requirements are met (and this is checked by a sample of each batch), you can safely choose the famous brand and not worry about anything. The main problem is that it is not profitable for manufacturers to follow all the requirements and they try to reduce costs in any way by deceiving both companies and people.

The price of beer should not be very high

If you saw a beautiful and expensive bottle on the counter, this does not mean that it contains good beer. The price of this drink directly depends on the brand, so it is better to buy something less expensive, as the difference will be small.

Pay attention to the bottle

It is better not to buy beer in cheap containers - if you choose between glass and aluminum, it is better to choose aluminum as it transmits less light and oxygen, and it is also cheaper than glass.

Read the ingredients carefully

If the beer contains something other than hops, malt, yeast and water, this is already bad. Of course, producers will not be able to completely get rid of additives, and you are unlikely to find a big-name beer with such an ideal composition, but the smaller the deviation, the better.

Look at the shelf life of the beer 

It should not be more than 6 months (with very rare exceptions), if the shelf life is longer - this means that most likely there are various additives in the beer that are best avoided. Unless it's a barrel-aged beer, of course.

A very important factor is alcohol content and density 

Normal beer can contain anywhere from 3 to 14 percent alcohol. The correct ratio of alcohol to gravity is 1 to 2.5, the value may vary slightly, but if it is very different, then most likely alcohol was added to the beer.

Look at the foam

If you buy beer at a bar or decide to test the beer after shopping in the store, pay attention to how the foam holds up. For a good beer, it should last for about 5 minutes and its traces should remain on the walls of the glass, and not drain.

The beer should have a slight bitterness 

It should pass quite quickly, if you feel a bitter taste for a long time then there is something wrong with the beer.
