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Best Online Games For Beer Lovers

Best Online Games For Beer Lovers

Drinking games and casino games have always worked well together. Now when most of the casino games have moved online to accommodate the safety needs and the lifestyle of new players, so have the drinking games.

Here we offer a list of a few fun online games for beer lovers that combine the online experience and the traditional drinking game approach. These are usually simple and shorter than the gambling games for obvious reasons and it’s best to practice them in moderation and only if you’re of the appropriate age.

Chui Niu, AKA Dice

Chui Niu, AKA Dice is one of the Chinese casino games that have started in bars and restaurants and have now moved to the online sphere. Every Chinese person who is used to visiting bars is familiar with this simple enough game, mostly focused on calling out the bluffs of other players.

Each player gets a cup and a dice with six sides. The dice are shaken into a cup and the results are known only to each player individually. The players are then trying to guess the sum of the number of other people’s cups. Those above the correct number – drink.

Never Have I Ever

Never have I ever is the game that everyone who’s gone to college has heard of and it’s a simple enough game with two main goals- getting drunk and getting to know the other players.  The players go round in circles and share a thing they’ve never done.

Those who have done it before drink. The loser of the game is a person with ten strikes meaning the one with the least life experiences. The examples are often embarrassing or sexual in nature adding to the fun and the sharing part of the game.


Quickplash is a game designed by Jackbox Games and it’s made from anywhere from 3 to 8 players. The game can be bought on Steam and connected to your Zoom account so that it can be played during a virtual get-together. It provides prompts and you answer based on the card that appears in front of you.

Those who get the most laughs based on the prompt and their response are the winners and there can also be a ranking system active from your phones. The losers are on the opposite end and they are the ones who drink when the turn has ended.

Cup Pong

Cup Pong is another popular drinking game that everyone who has been to college is at least somewhat familiar with.  The app for it was produced by the Game Pigeon developer. The goal of the game is the same as it is with beer pong – to place a ball in the cup.

Those who miss – drink and the game becomes increasingly difficult as you keep playing, meaning that there’s more chance to miss and drink. It can be played by two or more players who are online at the same time.

Truth or Shot

This is another game to be played over a zoom meeting and it’s also very popular offline. The process is the same as it is with truth or date where you get a chance to tell an embarrassing truth about yourself or to do a dare. Instead of a dare, the players take a shot in this version of the game.

The shots can be taken on the honor system or they can be taken during the virtual call where everyone can see that a person is doing their part. It’s also a good game to get to know your teammates.

Drink Drank Drunk

Drink Drank Drunk started as a crowdfunding project and it turned into a real card game once it got enough attention from the online crowd that was willing to support its creation. It has found its way online because of the pandemic and the online version is free.

The game is intuitive and easy to learn. You set up a virtual call, draw up virtual cards and everyone needs to do the activity proposed by their cards. There are a lot of additional rules a well and it’s easy to figure them out along the way.

Tasting Games

Tasting games come in a variety of shapes and sizes and their main objective is for the players to taste a large number of different beers and answer questions about them based on taste alone. One of those can be about identifying the flavor of beer, which becomes increasingly difficult the more you drink.

You can also devise a ranking system or find one online and this becomes more fun when you do it in a group of people with different tastes and different experiences when it comes to beer.

Would You Rather

Would you rather is another popular game for house parties. It’s also commonly played among college kids to spark debate and help everyone get to know each other. Online versions are played over Zoom and there are apps to provide you with Would Your Rather questions or dilemmas.

The team that chooses the less popular option (determined by secret vote) is the one that drinks. The loser is the one who gets drunk faster or the one that gives up before getting too drunk. The key to this game is to find the best dilemmas out there.

To Sum Up

There are plenty of games that combine drinking and games of luck. Most of these games have been around for a long time, but now they’ve found their place online since there’s more need for such games. Some of these come with their own apps while others just require a connection and Zoom call.

Some can be played without any preparation and others will require some effort to prepare questions and the players. Make sure you’re responsible when playing these and that you don’t things too far. It’s also important not to drive and to be of legal age when playing such games.