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Gift Guide for Beer Lovers

Gift Guide for Beer Lovers

We all have that one friend who is obsessed with beer. They love to entertain you with stories of their beer exploits, whether it is the latest beer festival they’ve been to or a craft beer they discovered in some bar. When choosing gifts for them, the choices are usually going to involve something beer related but it’s not always easy to come up with unique gift ideas. Looking for some gift inspiration for that beer loving person in your life? Here are our top suggestions.

A Vaporizer

There are few things more relaxing than sitting outside in the evening, opening a cold beer and having a vaporizer to puff on. Healthier and more relaxing than smoking, they are the perfect accompaniment for a beer and your friend will definitely be grateful for this gift. If you are unsure on what kind of vaporizer to buy as a gift, you will want to read our Pax 3 review, a vape that is smarter, faster and sleeker than most of what’s on the market.

Home Brew Kit

The person you’re shopping for loves beer. You know this because they spend a lot of time telling you about it so why not buy them a home brew kit? Your friend or family member can have a go at making their own beer, and when they’ve managed to create the perfect blend, you can enjoy the fruits or their labor. No beer connoisseur will turn down the opportunity to create their own brew and you will be safe in the knowledge that your gift will be very much appreciated.

Personalized Beer Glass

Who doesn't love a personalized beer glass? We suggest buying one that’s at least 500ml so it will have space for a nice frothy head. You could get it personalized with the person’s name, photo or branded with their favorite tipple – the choice is yours. Glass is always the best option material-wise as we’re sure this is one present that your friend/loved one will use again and again.

Beer Holder

The pain of not being able to find somewhere to put down a beer is an experience that most have shared. With a beer holder you can save your friend this misery. It’s also a way to introduce them to the pleasure of a beer with a cold shower on a hot summer day. Beer holders are available which will easily stick to the shower wall and will definitely go down a treat, earning you a great big smile and maybe one of those cold beers for yourself. 

Bottle Opener

There’s always someone who will have a unique way of opening a bottle of beer (we all have that one friend that uses his/her teeth), but let’s face it, the simplest (and safest) way is using a bottle opener. Despite their eagerness to show the strength of their teeth or their skills at cracking one open with the edge of a wall, deep down inside they just want a bottle opener. The best course of action is to take their hints and get them one so that no matter where they are they can open a nice cold beer.
