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Harvesting Marijuana Plants: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to harvest autoflowering cannabis plants with this comprehensive guide. Follow these essential tips and get ready to enjoy potent and flavorful buds from your autoflowering cannabis plants.

Harvesting Marijuana Plants: A Comprehensive Guide


Pistil Examination

Pistils are the hair-like structures on the cannabis flowers. They start as white and progressively darken to orange or red as the plant matures. When about 70-80% of the pistils have turned dark and curled inwards, it's an indication that your autoflowering cannabis plants are ready for harvest.

Flushing Your Plants

Before harvesting, it's essential to flush your plants to remove excess nutrients and improve the final taste of your buds. Start flushing about two weeks before your expected harvest date. Provide your plants with plain, pH-balanced water and stop adding nutrients. This allows the plant to use up stored nutrients and results in smoother, better-tasting buds.

Drying and Curing

After harvesting your autoflowering cannabis plants, it's time to dry and cure the buds. Proper drying and curing are crucial for preserving flavour, potency and overall quality.

  •   Drying Process

To dry your cannabis buds, follow these steps:

  1. Trim off excess leaves and cut the branches into manageable sizes.
  2. Hang the branches upside down in a dark, well-ventilated space with a temperature of around 65-75° F (18-24° C) and humidity between 45-55%.
  3. Allow the buds to dry for 7-14 days, depending on environmental conditions. The buds are ready when the stems snap instead of bending.
  •  Curing Process

Curing helps to preserve your buds and enhance their flavor and potency. To cure your cannabis buds:

  1. Trim the buds from the branches and place them in airtight glass jars.
  2. Fill the jars about 75% full, leaving room for air circulation.
  3. Store the jars in a cool, dark place.
  4. Open the jars daily for the first 1-2 weeks to allow fresh air in and release excess moisture. This is called "burping" the jars.
  5. After 1-2 weeks, you can reduce the frequency of burping to once every few days. Cure your buds for at least 4 weeks, but longer curing will improve the quality further.

In conclusion, harvesting autoflowering cannabis plants requires close observation, proper timing and attention to detail. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be on your way to a successful harvest with potent and flavorful buds. Don't forget, when looking for the best autoflowering strains, consider purchasing autoflower weed seeds online.


Q1: How do I know when my autoflowering cannabis plants are ready for harvest?
A1: Check the trichome color and appearance, as well as the pistil color and curling. When around 70% of trichomes are milky white and the rest are amber and 70-80% of pistils have darkened and curled inwards, it's time to harvest.

Q2: How long does it take for autoflowering cannabis plants to reach harvest time?
A2: Autoflowering cannabis plants typically take around 10-12 weeks from seed to harvest, depending on the strain.

Q3: What is the importance of flushing cannabis plants before harvest?
A3: Flushing helps to remove excess nutrients from the plant, resulting in smoother and better-tasting buds.

Q4: How long should I dry my cannabis buds?
A4: Drying cannabis buds usually takes 7-14 days, depending on environmental conditions. The buds are ready when the stems snap instead of bending.

Q5: How long should I cure my cannabis buds?
A5: You should cure your cannabis buds for at least 4 weeks, but longer curing will improve the quality further.

