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How to Avoid a Beer Hangover

Proactive tips, strategies and insights to improve your next morning after indulging in your favorite alcoholic drinks.

How to Avoid a Beer Hangover

We’ve all been there. You’re looking at your calendar and realize that your sister’s birthday at the brewery is next weekend. The hangover is already on the horizon, but don’t worry! There are ways to prepare for a night full of beer that can help you avoid a hangover. 

Everyone has their own methods to avoid a beer hangover that they swear by. While some of them may work, we’re going to show you the science behind it and what really works. It’s important to remember that the only full-proof way to not be hungover is to not drink beer. Since that’s not always possible, let’s look at how to avoid a beer hangover.

Why Are Beer Hangovers So Bad?

To start, you may be wondering why your hangover after a night of beers may be worse than liquor. One reason is alcohol content. With beer, it can be easy to assume they are all the same, but that’s not the case. 

This is especially true when it comes to craft beer. Typically, a craft beer is going to have an alcohol content of around 7-9%. If you’re drinking a handful of those, it should be no surprise that you have a splitting headache the next day.

Preparing for a Night of Beer Drinking

Don’t Forget to Eat Dinner 

Once the night gets going, it can be easy to forget about food. When you’re drinking beer, you’re drinking empty calories. This means that when you’re drinking beer, you’re gaining calories but they have no nutritional value. So, you’re going to feel full, but you won’t be. Those empty calories can also cause unnecessary weight gain. 

When you haven’t eaten, alcohol will also absorb much faster into the bloodstream. The faster alcohol is absorbed, the more likely you are to have a hangover the next day. So, be sure to eat a meal full of carbs and protein before a night out chugging beers to help avoid hangover symptoms. 

Always Be Hydrating 

Anyone who has ever spent a night out drinking beer knows how important hydration is. A good rule of thumb is to drink a glass of water in between each beer, but we know that might not happen as the night progresses. 

To ensure you’re properly hydrated for a night out, try using hydration mix packets. These mixes typically have sodium, potassium and sugar to give you the ultimate hydration boost. Throw a few in your pocket for the night and mix them in your water to help make that beer hangover more bearable. Don’t forget to save some for the morning, too! 

Take Anti-Inflammatories 

When you’re digging in the medicine cabinet to relieve a headache, don’t reach for the Tylenol. Drinking beer causes inflammation in the body which can cause hangover symptoms. Taking anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen may help relieve a beer hangover. 

Consider Supplements

There are certain vitamins and herbal extracts that could potentially mitigate some of your hangover symptoms. For example, a study showed that prickly pear taken before drinking could reduce hangovers. Aside from this, B - vitamins and milk thistle are also well-known remedies. The best hangover pills on the market contain all these ingredients together. 

Avoid Dark Colored Beer 

If you’re a craft beer drinker, you know how enticing those dark beers can be. Breweries specialize in offering robust collections of different shades of beer so there’s something for everyone. Before grabbing that delicious dark stout, it may give you worse hangover symptoms than a lighter beer. 

The reason for this is congeners. Congeners are a byproduct of the fermentation process used to make beer and other alcohol, and they are linked to hangover symptoms. Darker beers have a higher concentration of congeners, which means you could have a worse hangover. 

Pace Yourself 

Yes, those craft beers are delicious, but pacing yourself will help you avoid a hangover. Instead of slamming them, set a limit and stick to it. You know your body better than anyone else, so setting a certain amount then switching to water can help you evade a nasty headache in the morning. 

Wear a Sleep Mask 

No, we do not recommend doing this at the bar. We do, however, suggest wearing a sleep mask when you get home. Typically, a night of drinking is going to result in a poor night of sleep. Research shows that not getting enough sleep may make a hangover worse. Wearing a sleep mask will help you sleep later into the day after the sun rises. Because, let’s face it, you probably got home late last night. 

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that nobody wants to deal with a hangover. When you’re going out drinking beer, be sure to stay hydrated and eat a meal beforehand. As always, please drink responsibly and have fun! 


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