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Monte Bezell: Crafty Celebrity Stories

Monte Bezell Drinking A Guinness

Actor, producer and director Monte Bezell joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of the Crafty Celebrity Stories series, which features the best tales of ale, and more, from leading actors, celebrities and persons of interest.

Hailing from Brooklyn, Monte has appeared on NBC's The Black List, Showtimes Homeland, CBS's Madam Secretary and Person of Interest, and Marvel's Jessica Jones on Netflix. With estbalished roots from the indie film scene, he has also financed and produced a number of film projects.

Beer drinkers like to laugh. What’s the funniest drinking story you can share with us?
Okay, a few of my friends and I were hanging out at a bar in the Lower East Side. We were all drinking, talking, bullshitting, the usual. I'm chilling, minding my own business when I notice this beautiful girl who keeps looking my way, giving me the eye. She was very pretty. So, I decide to go talk to her. I offer her a drink, we're chatting it up and she's into me. I'm about to go back to my friends, but before I do I go to get her number. She says "of course, give me your phone". I'm thinking it’s all good to go! Little did I know this moment was gonna be my downfall with this girl.

She goes to put her number in, and then pauses, looking at the phone kinda confused. Then she says to me "Wait, you already have my name and number in your phone". I'm like "huh? What’s that?" She goes "why didn't you remember me?" And that’s when I was done! I couldn't remember for the life of me where I had met her, but all these memories started flooding back to her. " Oh, I remember you now. I gave you my number and you never called or texted me. I texted you once and you didn't respond." I still couldn't remember and I was trying to think of a good excuse to say when she said, "Don't worry, I'll text you" and walked off. A second later she texted me and it said "Bye A**hole". I was the laughing stock of my friends that night and the rest of the week. One of my buddies called her "The Victoria Secret Angel that Flew Away." Man!  What a night!

Who's the coolest person you've had a beer with?
One night I'm at a spot in Williamsburg. I got to the bar and ordered a beer and Anthony Mackie was bartending! In the moment, I had no idea it was him who handed me the beer. We had a great conversation as well. Later found out he owned the place. Hands down one of the coolest dudes.

What are a few of your favorite craft beers and why?
I grew up a drinker of Guinness, so my craft beer selection usually goes to Brooklyn Black Stout and Dogfish Head beers. I love rich taste!

Do you have a favorite (craft) brewery or breweries and why?
I’m from Brooklyn so it’s hard not to say Brooklyn Brewery because it’s a really unique brewery. Lots of different beers and a great crowd usually. I also love to Lagunitas! Amazing location in North California.

Have you attended any beer events or festivals that you particularly enjoyed? What made them stand out?
I usually try to hit some of the Oktoberfest festivities in the city. You usually get a huge crowd that is just as passionate about beer. The group experience makes it that much more fun.

What projects do you have brewing?
I have two films I'm currently working on, a sports film and a crime drama. I also recently wrapped a comedy TV pilot. My last two movies, El Gallo and Saint Nicholas are coming out in early 2018. Look out for them.

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