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One-Hitters: Everything You Need to Know About Them

Learn all about one-hitters, the small, hand-held pipes that allow you to consume marijuana discreetly with a quick hit. One hitters are easy to use and clean, and they give you control over how much cannabis you use.

One-Hitters: Everything You Need to Know About Them


Types of one-hitters

There are many types of one-hitters that you can go for. They include: 


Chillum originated in India and are traditionally used for smoking cannabis or tobacco. It is a straight tube with a bowl at one end and a mouthpiece at the other. 

The bowl is usually larger than a typical one-hitter, allowing larger amounts of material to be packed and smoked at once.

Chillums are often made of clay or stone but can also be found in glass, metal, or wood. They are designed to be held vertically, with the mouthpiece at the top and the bowl at the bottom. 

To smoke from a chillum, place your mouth on the mouthpiece and light the material in the bowl while inhaling from the other end.

Although they are great, chillums tend to be bigger than many one-hitters. Many chillums are up to 4-5 inches long, while many one-hitters are only 2-3 inches long, making them easier to hide.


Dugout one hitters are designed to be discreet and portable. They are made of metal or wood and are designed to fit inside a dugout container holding a small amount of ground-up marijuana or tobacco.

To use a dugout one-hitter, remove the pipe from the container, then fill it with a small amount of ground-up herb.

 You then place the pipe in your mouth and light the herb, inhaling the smoke as you do so. Because the pipe is small and only holds a small amount of herb, you use it for one or two hits before refilling it.

While anyone can use a dugout one-hitter, it suits smokers who want a discreet and portable smoking option. It’s also ideal for those who want to conserve their herb by only smoking small amounts at a time. 

This one-hitter is also an excellent choice if you are trying to quit smoking cigarettes. This is because it provides a similar smoking experience without the harmful chemicals in tobacco.


A steamroller one-hitter is designed to create a large, direct hit of smoke. It consists of a long, straight tube with a bowl at one end and a mouthpiece at the other. The bowl is situated on top of the tube, with a hole on the side of the tube for air intake.

To use a steamroller, pack the bowl with ground-up herbs and place your hand over the end of the tube closest to the bowl. 

You then place the mouthpiece to your mouth and inhale deeply, drawing air through the herb in the bowl and into the tube. 

As you inhale, you slowly remove your hand from the end of the tube, allowing a large amount of smoke to enter your lungs in a direct hit.

This one-hitter is ideal if you prefer a more intense smoking experience and want to take in a larger amount of smoke with each hit. 

The one-hitters are often more efficient than other types of pipes, as they allow you to take in a larger amount of smoke with each hit, reducing the number of hits required to achieve the desired effect.

Taking care of your one hitters

A crucial part of keeping your one-hitter in perfect shape is keeping it clean. It’s easy to do, though. All you need are a few things you probably already have around the house.

You need pipe cleaners, bobby pins and isopropyl alcohol.

Use your pipe cleaner to break up any leftover bud or residue, making removing it easier. You should then pour the isopropyl alcohol into a small dish. 

Let your one-hitter soak in the alcohol for 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse it well with warm water. The gunk should slide right off, revealing a shiny pipe that looks brand new. 

If there are any problem spots left, all you need is a cotton swab, some alcohol, and a little bit of elbow grease.

DISCLAIMER:  Marijuana is not legal in all areas. encourages you to check your local, regional and national laws before purchasing marijuana in person or online. holds no liability of any kind, including financial, for any person(s) using marijuana resulting from information or web links contained on this website.

