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Seoul Juice: A Healthy Alternative To Help Solve Your Bad Hangover Is Here!

We are all aware of the symptoms of a hangover. Fortunately, there is a new three-ingredient beverage that is being recommended to drink the morning after to help with your hangover that is proven to actually work!

Seoul Juice: A Healthy Alternative To Help Solve Your Bad Hangover Is Here!

From pounding headaches to stomach pain, fatigue, and irritability, many of us are all too familiar with the long list of hangover symptoms that often follow a night of heavy drinking.

Although there’s no shortage of purported hangover cures — such as chugging a glass of pickle juice or rubbing a lemon in your armpit before drinking — only a few are backed by science.

Fortunately, there is a new three-ingredient beverage that is being recommended to drink the morning after to help with your hangover that is proven to actually work!

Seoul Juice, a new drink out of California, has been the talk of the industry with its pure effects in helping all of us cope. Luis Manta, the former college athlete who created this beverage, spoke to us exclusively about the beverage and how everyone is starting to use it as an alternative to those other non-working bad hangover remedies.

1. There are a lot of theories and studies out there on how people can cure their hangovers whether it be with Gatorade or some other beverage. Why is Seoul Juice a much more reasonable alternative?

Yes, I think we’ve all woken up and done a mad google search to find a hangover cure to save us from a rough night out. The great thing about Korean Pear Juice is that it has been used as a hangover cure for hundreds of years and it has also been tested and proven in scientific studies to reduce hangover symptoms*, so you know it works. And if you’re still not convinced you can also ask our customers all over the US that swear by it.

What I tell people is to first look at the ingredient list. Are you wanting to drink a sports drink with over 10 ingredients, many of which are artificial or a beverage made of fruit juice and water that has been consumed for centuries? After having an allergic reaction to a sports drink in college I decided to create a more natural alternative and there in my dorm room Seoul Juice was born.

Word spread quickly on campus when students learned Seoul Juice allowed them not only to stay hydrated but also made sure they made it to their 8:00 am class feeling revived after a long night out. I’ve always been a big believer that people should try and live a full life and I’m really happy to have created a product that helps people accomplish that.

2. How much Seoul Juice does someone need to drink to "feel better" after a night of drinking?

We recommend drinking an entire bottle before or when you start consuming alcohol for best effects but it can still provide relief after drinking or even the morning after while you are battling the hangover.

Korean Pear’s have the ingredient Dihydromyricetin (DHM) in it which helps detoxify the body from alcohol. DHM reduces the acetaldehyde levels in your body which is what helps alleviate your hangover symptoms, the sooner you get the juice in your body the faster it gets to work!

Seoul Juice is also packed with electrolytes which will help you get back to your normal self. Seoul Juice has about as much potassium as a banana so make it your go to product to get rid of those Sunday scaries!

3. What about during the night of drinking? Have you found that people have been using Seoul Juice within their cocktails to make their own delicious delights?

Yes, Seoul Juice makes some great hangover free cocktails. A lot of our customers enjoy pairing it with Vodka and Tequila. It goes great with Rum as well. Seoul Juice tastes like a light apple juice which may give the at home cocktail conessiours some inspiration. We've even had some customers make Seoul Juice ice cubes to add to their drinks!

4. Talk to us about your beverages' latest expansions?

You can now find us in grocery stores in California, Illinois, and Texas starting mid October. We have been spending a lot of time getting Texas ready and are excited to bring Seoul Juice to a new market. Your readers can follow our expansion journey and order Seoul Juice at and on Amazon where we ship to all 50 states.

5. When you personally aren't drinking healthy, what is your go-to beer and why?

I really love how entrepreneurial the craft beer/seltzer/kombucha community is. Being a beverage entrepreneur I learn a lot from the industry and I love how creative the marketing teams have been on these privately owned brands. I’ve been a big fan of JuneShine for a while now and keep stocked on their products. I have some friends who own a great seltzer company called Drunk Fruit, they focus on creative amazing Asian inspired products. It’s really cool to see the unique products new companies come out with. I came of age in St. Louis so I’ll always have a soft spot for products from there. Urban Chestnut and Schafley will always be some of my favorite brewers.

6. Have you attended any beer events or beverage festivals that you particularly enjoyed? What made them stand out?

I’m originally from Phoenix and I like to go back each year and attend the Four Peaks Oktoberfest in Tempe. It’s a great time and kind of kicks off the fall in Phoenix which is one of the best times of year in the Valley.

Being a beverage entrepreneur I attend a ton of small local events. I really like these as you get to meet the people behind the products, so many companies have cool stories and awesome new products. Some upcoming events we will be attending are Taste of Santa Ana and The Disco at the Diamond Bar center, both will be featuring a lot of up and coming alcoholic and non alcoholic beverage brands.

7. What are you looking forward to for the rest of 2022 and as we head into 2023?

We are looking forward to national expansion next year. We have some great distribution and retail partners helping bring Korean Pear Juice to the rest of the US. Being the only natural Korean Pear Juice in the US there are people all over looking for this product. It’s been an extremely rewarding experience to help people achieve both their fitness goals and allow them to still get to work after enjoying a night out. You can follow our journey on our social media pages @seouljuice on all platforms.

*Lee HS, Isse T, Kawamoto T, Baik HW, Park JY, Yang M. Effect of Korean pear (Pyruspyrifolia cv. Shingo) juice on hangover severity following alcohol consumption. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 Aug;58:101-6. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2013.04.007. Epub 2013 Apr 13. PMID: 23587660.
