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Top 5 Beers for Coffee Lovers

Top 5 Beers for Coffee Lovers

Are you a huge fan of beer as well as coffee? Does the thought of combining the two interest you? This is a phenomenon which has grown in strength as more people choose to experiment. Please drink responsibly as you sample our short of the top 5 beers for coffee lovers as discussed on Majesty Coffee School.

1. Guinness Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Stout

It's one thing to wake up in the morning with a piping hot cup of fresh roasted coffee. It's another to finish off the day with a frothy cold beer. But what if you're in the mood for both at the same time? The idea is sure to intrigue some while repulsing others. But if you're curious, it's a feat that can be done.

In fact, it has been done by none other than one of the world's most ancient and respected brewers of traditional Irish stout. Guinness has taken the plunge and introduced a new line of Cold Brew Coffee Stout beers. As a result, people have now been sampling the odd combo of coffee and beer for several years running.

What is the verdict? As it happens, the jury is still out. The combo of coffee and beer may be one that is destined to remain the province of a few hardy and dedicated cultists. On the other hand, it hasn't driven Guinness out of the business. If you're going to try coffee beer, you may as well begin with a famed brewer.

2. Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout

The question of "Would you like a coffee beer?" is bound to be followed by most people with another question, namely, "Why?" But there are a few enterprising souls out there who would answer with a hearty yes. As a result, the brewers behind the celebrated Founders company have come up with a Breakfast Stout.

Is it the stuff of brewing legend? Is it really a good idea to start your morning with a coffee beer? These are questions only you can answer after you have sampled the beverage for yourself. Founders describes the result as a semi-carbonated dark stout that combines with a rich aroma of coffee. Caveat emptor.

3. Left Hand Milk Stout

If you really want to get schooled on what pleases the palate of the world's most adventurous brewers, you are hereby referred to Left Hand Milk Stout. Is it a case of jaded hipster micro-brewers with too much time on their hands? Or are they really on to something that the rest of the world will soon catch up to?

As always, the decision will be left to the reader. We can reliably inform you that this is the most awarded beer that Left Hand brewery has produced. It's a combo of milk sugar, chocolate malt and coffee. Combine these with the standard ingredients that make up beer and you have the Left Hand Milk Stout.

And now that you have it, what do you do with it? According to the publicity handed out by the company, this is a drink that gives you the sweetness of milk, the rich aroma of coffee, and the thick texture of a classic Stout. The mix of sweet and sour may go a long way toward encouraging a few brave souls to commit.

4. Prairie Bomb!

Not too many beers come complete with an exclamation point right on the label. This is not the only distinction that Prairie Bomb! can claim. As it happens, this is not your father's, grandfather's, uncle's, cousin's or possibly even your own beer. But if you relish the thought of a coffee beer, it soon could be.

Prairie Artisan Ales has taken the already niche idea of a coffee beer and given it yet a further twist. The company describes its product as a standard stout that has been aged with espresso, chocolate, vanilla and ancho chili peppers. You read that correctly. It's a spicy, milky, thick, dark stout coffee beer.

5. Terrapin Wake-n-Bake Coffee Oatmeal Imperial Stout

Feel like taking a break from the ordinary? Get yourself a 6-pack or even a case of the new Terrapin Wake-n-Bake Coffee Oatmeal Imperial Stout. The mix of oats and black coffee may be a bridge too far past common sense for some. But if you have ever had a hankering for black coffee along with black stout, here you are.

Terrapin would like you to know that you can expect to experience a reputed variety of flavors. These may diverge in order of precedence from black coffee, "notes" of chocolate, and roasted barley. While the press release does make note of a "bitter" finish, it provides no info concerning the start or middle stages.

Is Coffee Beer Merely a Passing Fad?

As of 2021, it's too early to tell whether the phenomena of coffee beer will prove to be a passing fad or a permanent part of the landscape. On paper, the combination sounds ludicrous and, in real life, reviews are mixed. This short list of 5 popular coffee beers will help you make up your mind on the subject.
