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Is Using CBD During Pregnancy Safe?

While hemp products may benefit those going through pregnancy, there is also a need to be cautious.

Is Using CBD During Pregnancy Safe?

Going through a pregnancy can be a wonderful experience, but it also has some pain points. Due to this, some people turn to CBD and pure delta 8 products. The benefits of delta 8 hemp flower and related products are widely known. Countless users benefit significantly from using delta 8 products. The range of benefits is quite vast, and that is why these products are gaining popularity day by day. Due to this popularity, some people are curious to know if delta 8 hemp flowers can be effective during pregnancy. Since pregnancies are a medically sensitive issue, you need to have a great deal of information before deciding on using delta 8 products during pregnancy.

Is Using Delta 8 Hemp Flower During Pregnancy Safe?

There are so many issues that one faces during pregnancy. A lot of these issues can be overpowering. Many individuals want some resolution to help them tackle these issues and make their pregnancy experience slightly more comfortable. This need for being more comfortable during your pregnancy is entirely understandable. After all, it is a long-term experience, and it can drastically change your life. To address these needs, some individuals turn to delta 8 hemp flowers and related products. There are several benefits of using delta 8 flowers. These benefits include treating anxiety, stress management, improving sleep cycles and dealing with pain and inflammation-related issues. Even a person who is not going through pregnancy can face these issues, which can be quite a terrible experience. When you add a pregnancy to everything already going on in our lives, the situation can become somewhat unmanageable. Many issues like nausea, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, chronic pain and restlessness can become even more pronounced when going through pregnancy. For some individuals, getting help with these issues can be drastically beneficial.

It is pretty challenging to say if using delta 8 hemp products is entirely safe or not during pregnancy. However, this does not automatically conclude that it is unsafe. It is just that we do not have enough information to decide either way conclusively. The general effects of delta 8 products are widely known, but there is limited research on how they interact with individuals going through a pregnancy. Therefore, let us look at the stance of some public authorities to get a better understanding of the overall situation.

The Food and Drug Administration on Using Hemp During Pregnancy

The FDA strongly advises against using any cannabis products that contain CBD if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The FDA says that you may invite serious risks if you consume hemp or cannabis-derived products during your pregnancy. Their position is that there is a significant cause for concern when using these products during pregnancy. There is also a need for much more reliable research to understand better the full implications of consuming hemp-derived products while breastfeeding and during pregnancy.

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) on Using Hemp During Pregnancy

The CDC is not as apprehensive as the FDA regarding using hemp-derived products during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. The CDC highlights an urgent need for more reliable research on how the body reacts while going through pregnancy. Further, CDC has highlighted that there is also a need to study how babies' future health can be impacted by using CBD during pregnancy. The CDC recommends that anyone going through a pregnancy must consult with their health care providers to understand the circumstances better. The CDC maintains that there is not enough evaluation of hemp products during pregnancy, so it can be pretty tricky to figure out certain factors. Therefore, the CDC was not able to comment on if the effects will work, the prescribed dosage, how these products would interact with other medication, and the potential side effects and safety concerns that may arise.

The American Academy of Pediatrics on Using Hemp During Pregnancy

Like the CDC's stance, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that individuals who wish to consume hemp products during their pregnancy take the necessary precautions. In addition, they say that any individual who is consuming CBD or related products to treat medical conditions like vomiting and nausea during pregnancy should consult with healthcare professionals.

These statements are not all discouraging. In fact, some of these agencies acknowledge that there may be benefits of taking hemp products during pregnancy. The only caveat they say is that there is not enough research. Therefore, everyone should consult with healthcare professionals before deciding on hemp products during pregnancy. Since research is minimal, it is reasonable to advise individuals to do their research and to have legitimate consultations with their healthcare providers. These consultations will help you better understand what taking hemp products during pregnancy and while breastfeeding entails, and whether it’s the right choice for you. Simultaneously, these consultations will also help you greatly in minimizing any associated risks. To better understand, you can also consult with other delta 8 users who have experience taking these products during pregnancy. Such individuals will offer you invaluable insights that will help you make a well-informed decision.


When dealing with such a sensitive medical circumstance, we should do our best to take all the precautions. While hemp products may benefit those going through pregnancy, there is also a need to be cautious. Another vital thing to remember is that the experience of taking hemp products during pregnancy will differ significantly from person to person. Since there is no prescribed dosage, some individuals might need more or less than other individuals. This quality of hemp products is not unique to users going through pregnancy because everyone's body reacts differently, which is entirely normal.

The most crucial factor to consider is that it could be pretty problematic if you make decisions without professional medical advice. Although the side effects of taking hemp products are not that common, the side effects do exist. At this stage, there is nearly not enough research to recommend that individuals going through pregnancy can be entirely free in their use of hemp products. Therefore, it is pertinent to take as many precautions as possible. It is also equally crucial to understand the implications of taking hemp products during pregnancy before making any purchases. If you use it the right way and you are careful with it, delta 8 hemp flowers may add you during pregnancy. Still, it would be best to have regular consultations with your healthcare providers on this issue before beginning to use hemp products.
