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What is a Brewers Guild?

Discover the advantages of joining a brewers guild, such as networking, resources and education. From checking with local brewers associations to exploring online resources and attending events, this guide covers all the information you need to become a member of a brewers guild.

What is a Brewers Guild?

If you love craft beer and brewing, you have certainly heard about brewers guilds. Whether you're a craft beer fanatic or a brewer looking to start your own microbrewery, you might have even considered joining one.

Being a member of a brewers guild can come with plenty of perks, from networking opportunities to useful industry resources, trade shows, and educational events with renowned professionals in the industry. But what exactly is a brewers guild, and how do you find one in your local area?

Read on to learn the ins and outs of becoming a member of a brewers guild, starting with what they're all about!

What is a Brewers Guild and What Are its Benefits? 

Brewers guilds are formed to help members develop their craft through representation in the industry, collaboration with connections, peers, and even competitors in the brewing business, as well as educational events that feature prominent professionals in the field.

It also provides producers with a unified platform for discussing local legislation and regulations related to the craft beer and brewing industry. For example, individual brewers or brewery owners who are part of these organizations can work collaboratively to push their agendas to the government decision-makers, especially when it comes to legislation concerning production practices.

How to Qualify for a Brewers Guild 

To qualify for a brewers guild, one often needs to satisfy some general application requirements. Among these include supplying your personal and brewery information, in the form of production license numbers, business registrations, and other documents verifying legal status.

Additionally, members may be required to pay fees depending on beer types produced or individual states where operations are conducted. Each organization may also have specific criteria that must be met in terms of the brewing process and methods used, as well as the set quality standards.

Ultimately, these guidelines differ from one brewers guild to another; so it is important to keep an open mind during your search.

How to Find Your Local Brewers Guild 

If you’re looking to join a brewers guild in your area, there are several ways to go about it. Popular options you can start with include the following:

Check with Your Local Brewers Association 

Checking with your area’s local brewers association can be a great starting point when looking for a brewers guild. So, you can always visit their offices or check their website for information. Many brewing associations also hold networking programs and events at regular intervals. These create a chance to meet up with experienced craft beer veterans, who you can approach for advice on finding the right guild that fits your needs.

Use Online Resources: Browse a List of Brewers' Guilds (e.g. in the USA) 

The internet should be your friend when looking for a local organization that will help enhance your brewery's success with guild membership. A simple internet search on the words “a list of brewers guilds in the USA” should show you that pretty much every state has its own brewers guild.

You can also search by state, city, or county, as different jurisdictions also have their own smaller guilds. If you do the search right, you could even come across a comprehensive directory with detailed information on each member’s organization, including contact details, practices and qualifications necessary for joining.

Ask Other Brewers in Your Region 

Another great way to find a brewers guild is simply by asking other craft beer makers and brewery owners in your area. With more than 9,000 small breweries, taprooms, and brewpubs up and running throughout the U.S. – many of which will have had their own experience with guilds and associations alike — talking to a few colleagues can be a sure way to gain helpful insight into potential options that you can narrow down.

Try Social Media Outlets 

When finding a brewers guild, social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook offer valuable resources to explore. You may stumble upon photos of interesting memberships or event posts that provide helpful information on local organizations in your region. This can be useful if you happen to be unable to travel, or have time constraints when trying to network with other brew producers.

Attend Local Events and Conferences 

Local breweries will often have events or conferences made to promote their collaborations. This can be an ideal opportunity to network with various brewers in your area, while also getting a chance to compare the different guilds on offer.

To sum up, brewers guilds are created with the welfare of brewers in mind. From asking other producers to searching online, attending local industry events, and checking with brewer associations, there are various ways to find a local brewers guild. Hopefully, the above pointers will help make it easy for you.