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Why Should You Consider Smoking in Water Pipes?

Learn about the benefits of using water pipes including smoother hits, better dose control and natural filtration for cleaner smoke.

Why Should You Consider Smoking in Water Pipes?


Water Pipes Have Smoother Smoke

Smoother smoke makes it easier to inhale and hold in your lungs when you smoke a water pipe. This is due to several factors:

- The water in your bong keeps your hit cool and smooth, meaning that you do not have to inhale as deeply or hold as long for the effects of the smoke. This means that less tar enters your lungs during each hit.

- Many believe that water pipes make their smoke feel "cleaner" than other methods, which may be one reason it is preferred over other methods of smoking cannabis. However, this isn't necessarily true, as water filtration alone won't eliminate all impurities from smoking the cannabis flower. However, when paired with heat filtration, many impurities can be removed more effectively than possible with other vaporization technologies, such as with e-cigs or vapor pens.

Due to the smooth smoke, users can continue smoking for longer sessions. According to data, smoking sessions with water pipes generally last 20-90 minutes. Hence, it allows for lasting pleasure.

Water Pipes Have Natural Filtration

Water Pipes have a built-in filter that removes impurities from the smoke. The filter is usually made from glass or ceramic and can be cleaned and replaced when needed. The water acts as a natural filter for the smoke, so when you inhale through a bong or pipe with water, you're getting cleaner hits than if you were smoking out of another piece without this feature.

So what does this mean for your health? Smoking without filtration, like in joints or blunts, makes you more likely to experience lung irritation because of all the toxins floating around. When you use water pipes with built-in filters, those impurities are removed before they reach your lungs, so there's less chance of irritation and other problems like coughing and wheezing.

Smokers have to take care of the filtration part, as unfiltered tobacco smoking can be hazardous. You can use additional filters for filtering hookah because, despite the natural filters, water pipe smoking can still expose you to some dangerous substances. 

Also, since water pipes sessions last longer, you will be exposed to 100-200 times the volume of smoke against a single cigarette. Hence, the more filtered this smoke is, the better it is for your health.

Water Pipes Have Percolator Bongs

Percolators are a type of water pipe with one or more chambers where the smoke is filtered through water before reaching the mouthpiece multiple times. Percolators were initially designed to create giant bubbles, which would cool down and break up into smaller bubbles for filtration. This process helps keep smoke cooler and smoother as it passes through your lungs.

Percolators can be made from glass, metal or silicon carbide, the same material used in Pyrex.
