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FirkFest Cask Beer Festival

From Greg Nagel @OCBeerBlog: While standing in a 200 person line for a cask of Noble Ale Works Naughty Sauce at a beer festival this past summer, it dawned on me. Orange County needs a proper cask ale festival.

Why a cask ale festival? A cask is simply a vessel filled with liquid meant to be served within a day or so once tapped. Brewers fill the cask with beer for conditioning and then can treat it like a blank canvas; adding fresh hops, blending beers, adding tea/coffee or other creative ingredients.  It’s a one time shot to try something new and fun.

My number one goal as OCBeerBlog is to grow craft beer in Orange County. What a better way to do it than a highly focused beer celebration at a great location with an awesome non-profit to support. We are proud to announce The OC Brewer’s Guild has taken over our non-profit support! They have many great events throughout Orange County!