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Boulder-based Twisted Pine Brewing Company, which has been in business for 21 years, has decided to discontinue its wholesale production to focus exclusively on its taproom and restaurant.
At one point, Twisted Pine was distributing in 12 states, but has since cut down to Colorado, Kansas, and Florida, which will soon be eliminated as well. Save for a select few draft accounts within its home state, Twisted Pine will be available at the brewpub only, which has seen comparatively booming growth without the increasingly messy business of competing for shelf space in a flooded market.
“It’s not a reactive move,” marketing director Justin Tilotta said. “We’d rather see it as a proactive move. We have a very rich and vibrant beer culture here in Boulder, Colorado, that provides us with more than our fair share of customers.”
Spreading oneself too thin has been the downfall of many a craft brewer, and Twisted Pine, which will cut its production from 6,000 barrels annually to around 3,000 may be ahead of the curve in its focus on local over mass production. In fact, it might be the very definition of a "craft" move.