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Upland Brewing's 3rd Sour Batch Bottle Reservations Now Open

Upland Brewing's 3rd Sour Batch Bottle Reservations Now Open

Upland Brewing Co. in Bloomington, Indiana has announced its third batch of sour ales is available for pre-order and bottle reservation this week. Reserve your bottles here.

The brewery's third batch of sour ales will feature HopperpawBlackberry, and Persimmon Bruin.

While bottle reservations are now open, bottle pick-up will not occur until August 9 through August 23. The full release from Upland is below.

We're excited to share the beauty of this line up with you all! This reservation period includes access to HopperpawBlackberry, and Persimmon Bruin. Reservations start today and close on July 27th, at 11:59 pm.Bottle pickup is August 9th through August 23rd

Beer descriptions and pickup locations can be found on the Google form page to reserve bottles. 

If you have questions or issues making your reservation, please contact us at [email protected]
