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Sal Mortillaro II's picture

Reviver Red IPA

September, 2017
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Reviver by Starr Hill Brewery is being evaluated as a Specialty IPA: Red IPA (Category 21B) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines. 

This beer pours a gorgeous amber, bordering deep amber, color with a sustained white head that lasts the entire beer.  On the nose, the moderate malt profile is noticeable with an apparent malt sweetness with slight caramel and followed by a slight toasty aspect.   There is a moderate hop derived dankness and hints of citrus and melon.  There is also subtle grassy character in the aroma as it warms.  In the flavor, malt sweetness is at the forefront of the sip and a malt flavor of toasty and dark-caramel notes with very subtle roast.  Hop bitterness is moderate-high and hop flavor is moderate consisting of traditional West Coast style hops with citrus and melon notes as noted in the aroma.  There is a slight spicy note which you can feel after the swallow.  After the swallow, the character of the malt gives way to the bitterness after approximately seven seconds.  The body is medium with medium carbonation with a noticeable alcohol warmth.  Overall this is a well done Red IPA which captures the essence of the malt profile of a Red Ale / Amber Ale.  At first this beer seems to be a little too sweet for an IPA but the bitterness, though on the lower end for the style, which manifests itself in the aftertaste and lingers really brings this beer into balance and makes it very enjoyable to drink.