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86 Rating: Haddy by Reformation Brewery

December, 2017


Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Haddy by Reformation Brewery is a Belgian-style white ale. It was judged as a Witbier (BJCP sub-style 24A). It poured light golden into the glass where it set up slightly hazy with a moderate but short-lived white head. Its aroma consisted primarily of bitter orange on top of wheat malt with muted background notes of coriander and white pepper. The flavor too showcased Belgian yeast, orange peel and wheat, with only trace hints of coriander, and hops were present for bittering only. In this respect, the brewer’s restraint in not over-spicing this beer amplified its appeal. Overall the mouthfeel was smooth without any jagged astringent edges. There was neither alcohol warmth nor complexity in this simple straightforward wit, but high drinkability consistent with its unchallenging but well-balanced interpretation of the target style.