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Judge's Review: 79 Rating - Ubu Ale by Lake Placid Craft Brewing Co.

February, 2018
Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
5 / 6
33 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

Lake Placid’s Ubu is being evaluated as an American Brown ale (2015 BJCP Category 19C) despite the brewery’s recommendation of it being an English-style strong ale. 

Ubu opens with reserved chocolate and molasses that mingles with a bit of biscuit and dried figs. There’s also a hint of clean acid indicating too low of a beer pH. 

Light toast with supporting caramel, baker’s chocolate, and dried fruit can’t support the medium high hop-based bitterness that’s similar more to an IPA than an English-style strong ale.  The semi-dry finish leaves the palate clean with a lingering trace of light earthy hops. 

As an American Brown ale, Ubu is a solid contender with up-front bitterness. However, as an English strong ale it lacks the fermentation character of the best examples coupled with the rich malt that many equate with barleywines. 
