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Monday Night Brewing Unveils Dinner for One Spelt IPA

Monday Night Brewing Unveils Dinner for One Spelt IPA

Monday Night Brewing in Atlanta, Georgia has announced the release of another new IPA beer.

Monday Night is known for its hoppy beers, and it has recently rolled out can after can of deliciously experimental IPAs. The brewery's newest is Dinner for One, a spelt IPA brewed with Mosiac, Motueka and Hallertau Blanc hops.

While the beer makes it official debut at the brewery on Saturday, Dinner for One will also be available in limited quantities from the finest bottle shops in Georgia.

The full release from Monday Night is below. You may reserve the beer at this link (sorry, only on mobile).

Your long weekend won't be complete without a brand new IPA to enjoy. Dinner For One drops at West Midtown on Saturday from 1-4 pm. This is a spelt IPA brewed with Mosiac, Motueka and Hallertau Blanc hops. The malt base of spelt (natch), Pilsner and torrified wheat combine to make this a hazy, rustic, and citrusy drink - just in time to turn the page on summer.
Reserve your cans at the link!

(And if you miss the official launch, not to worry. You'll see this on shelves at the finest package stores next week.).
