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Richard Wong's picture

Judge's Review: 94 Rating - Reuben's Brews Pilsner by Reuben's Brews

November, 2018
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Reuben's Brews Pilsner by Reuben's Brews was reviewed under BJCP (#5D) category, German Pilsner. This is actually a Czech style pilsner, and this is the most suitable category for this beer. The alcohol content of this beer is 5.4 % ABV. The pour of this beer in the glass revealed a wonderful light yellow / straw colored hue with very good clarity - I can actually see right thru the glass! The carbonation was spot on - it revealed a nice luscious creamy and dense head along with bubbles rising to the top of the glass from the bottom. Great head retention for this beer, as well. 

The aroma was of a light grain sweetness along w/ negligible hop - okay for style.

The flavor of this beer had a very nice malty sweet grainy backbone with medium hop bitterness. It finished off crisp and dry in the palate and had a very nice effervescent bubbly body and mouthfeel.

This was a very nicely made Czech style pilsner in true fashion to the style. It was light, refreshing, crisp. It was nicely balanced with the sweetness of the malt and complemented with moderately hops. Had a very nice mouthfeel and body that was light and again effervescent (bubbly) in the palate. One of the more difficult styles to replicate correctly because of its light flavor profile, this example was truly wonderfully made!
