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Hydra's Haze

United States
Hydra's Haze, Heavy Seas Beer
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
23 / 24
37 / 40
4 / 6
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

One of our haziest beers yet, Hydra?s Haze is one monster of a beer. Brewed with a ridiculous amount of Citra and Galaxy hops, this beer isn't shy about its juiciness. From its dank aroma to its powerful citrus finish, Hydra?s Haze packs an intense hop experience. Catch it while you can- this limited beer will only be lurking for a short period of time.

Beverage Profile
Citra, Galaxy
Two-Row, Malted Wheat, Oats
Judges Review 
Dan Martich's picture
Judges Rating:
23 / 24
4 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Hydra’s Haze by Heavy Seas Beer is being evaluated as a New England style IPA (Category 21B) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines.  

Huge aromas of citrus fruit burst out of the glass along with fresh oranges and grapefruit peel, light pineapple, bold fruity esters in the form of pears and unripened peach. The grainy malt profile was secondary and perceived as very low -- as it should be for this style. A touch of alcohol is present too.

Very hazy with a large foamy white head that stood long and tall. This beer’s color is straw with an orange tint. 

The flavor mirrors the aroma with the addition of a soft honey-like maltiness, not sweet. The hops are citrusy, fruity and then become resiny; it's quite a show of hop characteristics. The bitterness is higher than expected but still within reason for the style; of a citrus peel character, fresh squeezed grapefruit juice bitterness and more pineapple juice. The finish is short and dry with a lingering citrus flavor on the palate, similar to citrus oils. 

The body is medium-light but the moderately high carbonation gives the impression of a lighter-bodied beer. There’s a moderately low alcoholic warmth that’s not offensive but supportive, a rarity in a beer of 6 percent ABV.

A brew to savor for sure, with a big flavor profile that will please the biggest of hop heads. Hydra’s Haze has a lower ABV so that you can enjoy more than one and still go for that run, gym workout, or early morning meeting.

Brewery Introduction
