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Judge's Review: 91 Rating - 'Pack & Brass by Wallenpaupack Brewing Co.

March, 2020

'Pack & Brass

'Pack & Brass

United States
'Pack & Brass, Wallenpaupack Brewing Co.

We had our friends at Black & Brass Coffee Co. roast up some wonderful Yirgacheffe coffee beans and then we added them to a delicious IPA. The end result is a wonderfully balanced beer in which the coffee & hops meld into one.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
55º F



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

'Pack & Brass by Wallenpaupack Brewing Co.​ was rated under style guidelines as provided by the Beer Judge Certification Program (revised 2015) under category 30A Herb, Spice & Vegetable Beer. Poured from a 16-ounce can into a pint glass. This beer's Coffee IPA title is very misleading as this rendition pours a clear golden color with a medium-white head. The bouquet is characterized by a firm grapefruit-like hop aroma accompanied by a plethora of fruity esters and clean coffee notes that blend in nicely without overwhelming the other aromatics. Unique forces are at work here as the flavor and dryness of the coffee melds with that of that of the citrus hops to create a dry. yet not puckering. mouthfeel and leads to a finish in which bitterness is surprisingly not overstated. Alcohol levels were in line with IPA style guidelines as was the base beer. which enhanced and supported the coffee-like nature manifest here.
