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Monday Night Brewing Collaborates with Little Cottage Brewery on Macaroon-Inspired Strong Ale

Monday Night Brewing Collaborates with Little Cottage Brewery on Macaroon-Inspired Strong Ale

Monday Night Brewing has announced a collaboration beer with Little Cottage Brewery called Dodgers of Death, which is a macaroon-inspired barrel-aged strong ale. Full details on this brew are below.

Dodgers of Death is a macaroon-inspired Strong Ale with maple and coconut, brewed in collaboration with Little Cottage Brewery.

We blended strong ales (aged for one year in maple syrup and vanilla barrels), then added mounds of coconut and Ugandan vanilla beans to replicate the sweet nuttiness of macaroons.

The result is a 12.8% Strong Ale with delightful notes of coconut and maple syrup.

Available on tap and to go in our Atlanta taprooms Friday, 1/29.


(And this isn't an ode to the LA Dodgers, but to the squirrels who like to play in traffic.)
