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Omaha Brewing Company

Omaha Brewing Company

Omaha Brewing Company
1 Ford Road
omaha, GA 31821
United States

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United States

When we decided to start a brewing company in Omaha, Georgia, (Yes, Georgia) it wasn't only because we enjoy a good local brew, but because craft beer isn't prevalent enough in the South.  We want to incorporate our stomping grounds and family-oriented upbringing into the craft beer industry and brew a barrel of beer that feels like Southern comfort and the crisp mornings Georgia knows best.

Robert and Stephanie Lee began the foundation for OBC on December 12, 2012 after realizing it doesn’t take rocket science to brew, just a consistent effort and people who care.

Omaha is located just south of Columbus, Georgia, on the Alabama line where Robert grew up with his four brothers and two sisters.  Our building was built in the late 1940’s as a school and in the 1990’s was renovated into an industrial plant manufacturing miscellaneous parts.  When Dr. Lee bought the building, renovations began and continue to this day.

Our Brew Master, Nick Fowler, formerly of Atlanta's Red Brick Brewery, uses only the best ingredients (And trust us, there won't be beer unless it's fresh) and a clean, consistent method to boil and ferment a beer The General himself would enjoy.  His Brew Master certificate from The Siebel Institute of Technology not only means his brews come straight from the minds of brewing greats, but his methods have stood the test of time in countries such as Germany and Belgium.

Possibly the most critical asset our brewery has is an underground spring running water straight to our brewery, meaning the beer you drink will finish clean and crisp every time. With the ideas of family, friends and quality always on our minds, we wanted to make beer that people enjoy and can relate with; Not just sometimes, but every time you look at the Omaha Brewing Company Logo, taste the foam dripping off your glass and find a six-pack on the shelf of your local store.
