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Anchors Away

Here’s a brew that launched a thousand beers.

When Fritz Maytag took full control of Anchor Brewing in 1965, he sought to make a beer that was “true, traditional, honest and good.” For more than a decade, Maytag failed to convince other small family-owned breweries in California to follow this same path. Eventually, these smaller brewers were bought out or shut down.

Then along came admirers like Jack McAuliffe and Ken Grossman, among others, and a movement was born.

The lightly fruity – cherry to my palate – character from the unique lager yeast combines with the toasty, caramel malt to produce a lager lover’s dream. The benefits of an ale that come with lush, lager-like malt and a clean but hoppy finish.

This beer demonstrated what could be done – and they’ve been doing it ever since.

– Jonathan Ingram
