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Stochasticity: crHeam Ale Infused with Helium (Curated Video)

Stochasticity: crHeam Ale Infused with Helium (Curated Video)

Helium Beer is what happens when a beer-obsessed scientist has free rein to create beers that push the boundaries of the craft beer industry and science alike—a beer infused with helium. Wait, what? Is that even possible? Yep. And not only did Stone Brewing Co. do it first, we did it with a cream ale and double dry-hopped it to add that extra tropical, bitter goodness one would expect of a lupulin-obsessed craft brewery. Mind blown! Starting today, Stone Stochasticity Project Cr(He)am Ale with Helium is available in 16-ounce cans at retailers, restaurants and bars in select markets nationwide.

While Helium Beer may have been debunked, that still won't stop those merry hopheads at Stone from having a go at them!
