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Sixpoint – The Crisp Pilz

Sixpoint Brewery The Crisp Pilsner Beer

Spring is a wonderful season. Strands of delicate birdsong flutter through the air, flowers blossom and beer seasonals abound with increasing frequency.

Sadly for me spring also means the height of my savage seasonal allergies. As soon as the trees get a little frisky and start blasting those microscopic yellow particles into the atmosphere, I turn into a fizzing tizzy of sneezes, sniffles, coughs and gasps.

To combat this, I am forced to take a cocktail of allergy medications with varying success. Sometimes though, I lay off the pills and instead self-medicate with another type of pils… pilsners, of course.

Though I didn’t have Oskar Blue’s cleverly named pilsner institution on hand, I did rustle up Sixpoint’s The Crisp Pilz – another sterling example of the style.

At first sprightly sip, my taste buds immediately perked up, hoping to rouse the rest of my senses from their allergic torpor.

The tantalizing balance between the beer’s spicy Noble hop bitterness and light malt sweetness helped to shake the cobwebs out of my sinuses and allowed me to enjoy this crisp and elegant pilsner in all its golden glory.

And it must be said, I feel far better after downing this brew. Sixpoint’s The Crisp Pilz has the makings of a top-shelf pilsner (not to mention a terrific decongestant) and also cements pilsner's place as the new lawnmower beer. Either way, it’s a terrific springtime treat.

-- Chris Guest
