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2X One

New York
United States
Judges Ratings 

2015: Brewed with Equinox hops and Superior Pale malt

Southern Tier challenged themselves to do something radical with this 2X Seasonal offering, simplifying to the most basic ingredients - one variety of hop and one type of malt. Yes, a single varietal double india pale ale. And since it is a seasonal beer, they change the pairing each year for a truly singular experience. The 2015 version uses Equinox hops and Superior Pale malt. In 2014, they inaugurated 2XONE with Mosaic hops and Special Pale Malt.

Although they’ve reduced this beer down to the most essential two ingredients, it is amazing how complex the flavor is. In a way it is a lot like looking into a kaleidoscope, where the simplest object suddenly becomes a transfixing multitude of images, repeating and reflecting until a whole is realized, only to see it change yet again.

FOOD PAIRINGS: Roasted chicken, smoked brisket, sharp and bleu cheese, very sweet desserts.

AVAILABILITY: mid-winter thru spring/ 12oz (6pk and 24 bottle cases) / 1/2 keg, 1/6 keg

Beverage Profile
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Judges Review 
