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Judge's Review: 89 Rating - White Pony by Belching Beaver Brewery

June, 2022

White Pony

White Pony

United States
White Pony, Belching Beaver Brewery

We pumped the volume, and double dry hopped this India Pale Ale. This adds an extra layer of hop aroma with notes of grapefruit, resulting in a juicy, tropical IPA.

Beverage Profile
Two Row, Golden Promise, Flaked Oats
Simcoe, Hallertau Blanc, Mandarina Bavaria, Mosaic, Amarillo, Citra



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

White Pony by Belching Beaver Brewery was judged as an American IPA (21A BJCP 2021). The aroma is dominated by citrus and malt. The citrus is sweet with a blend of orange flesh and zest with a touch of tropical fruit notes in the background. Malt aromas are clean and nondescript. There is a small amount of haze with a pale gold color. The head is off-white and persistent, providing a thin blanket of bubbles on the surface. The flavor is boldly hop-forward with more of that citrus character, though much more dominated by a grapefruit rind quality. This provides a tart sensation, which is nicely rounded by the well-developed malt component underneath. Malt flavors are slightly sweet and with a hint of a crystal quality. The finish has an almost nutty quality and really reminds me of kafir lime leaves, like what you might find or use in some Indian dishes. This gives it a fairly exotic quality. The mouthfeel is medium and smooth, somewhat dry, and with a mild carbonic astringency. There is a touch of alcoholic heat, but nothing detracting. Overall, this IPA stands out from the pack with some very nice hop complexity and an exotic quality that really begs to be stood up with spicy foods or Indian cuisine. If you want a very drinkable IPA that finds its own place without plowing new ground that is better left unplowed, I would recommend giving this one a try.
