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Judge's Review: 91 Rating - Black Gold by Arches Brewing

December, 2022

Black Gold

Black Gold

United States
Black Gold, Arches Brewing

Built on a traditional Schwarzbier base, this German dark lager blends light notes of roast and chocolate with floral and spicy hops. A subtle hop profile featuring noble German hops provides just enough bitterness to balance the beer’s signature roast character. While dark in color, Black Gold drinks incredibly light and sessionable.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
45º F
Perle, Tettnang



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Black Gold by Arches Brewing is being evaluated as a Schwarzbier (category 8B in the 2021 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines). Schwarzbiers are black German lagers with prominent roasty malt flavors, smooth mouthfeel and restrained bitterness.

Black Gold pours black in color with excellent clarity and a small, light brown head. The aroma is prominent roasted and chocolate malts with a very clean lager character. The flavor is prominently roasted malts with lighter chocolate notes. The beer finishes moderately light in bitterness with a prominent roasted malt with a light dark malt bite that lingers in the finish.

Black Gold is an excellent beer but the roasted malt is just a little too prominent for a schwarzbier. You will absolutely enjoy this beer if you are a fan of porters and stouts, though.
