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Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. Head Brewer Joey Charpentier Talks Bad Abbot

96 Rating - World Class

Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. Head Brewer Joey Charpentier Talks Bad Abbot

We spoke with Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. Head Brewer Joey Charpentier about Bad Abbot.

Who was responsible for this beer’s recipe?
That would be me!

What sets this beer apart from other examples within the style?
The balance really sets this beer apart. There's a rich malt complexity but enough hop bitterness to not have it finish sweet compared to other versions I've had.

What makes this beer truly World Class?
Simply put, I believe this beer hits all the marks. After sitting down with this brew, I can't find much to complain about.  I've had many examples of the style and I can say it hangs in there with the very best versions.

What is your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, mouthfeel, etc.)?
I love how smooth this beer is. The malt character and alcohol blend together perfectly. It's really hard to believe this beer clocks in at a hefty 14% ABV.

How popular is this beer among your faithful fans?
When we released this beer, we weren't sure what to expect in terms of the reception, but people really fell in love with it. We plan to drop a barrel-aged version alongside the original for the next release.

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