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Nordic Saison

Nordic Saison

United States
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Harpoon Brewing Co, in collaboration with Kissmeyer Beer and Brewing, and Cambridge Brewing Company, has successfully brewed a fine Saison upon which they have then added their own stamp. 

Harpoon’s 100 Barrel Series #54 Nordic Saison is a very approachable Saison perfect for summer quaffing. This hazy golden brew has a very evident Belgian fermentation character that exhibits well throughout the aroma and flavor and perfectly exemplifies the Saison style. Though the beer comes in at the lighter end of the alcohol range for the style, light pear and peach-type fruitiness bring a freshness to the palate. Behind this is a subtle earthy spiciness and floral character that marries well with the overall character and delivers an attractive depth of complexity. A touch of tartness helps complete the package. Though the brew demonstrates a medium mouthfeel, the tartness helps deliver a desirable dryness in the finish that prepares you for the next delicious sip.