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Joseph Formanek's picture


March, 2016
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Southbound Brewing Co’s. Clusterflies is a well-crafted example of a soured, wine barrel-aged Saison. 

Clusterflies has a complex tart aroma loaded with cherry, apricot, lemon and red wine characters with underlying Brettanomyces barnyard notes. Very inviting! This hazy, golden-colored brew has moderate carbonation and an off-white stand of head that is somewhat fleeting, as is typical with beers of this style. The flavor of this brew carries through well from the character of the aroma, demonstrating a quite complex blend of berry and fruity notes along with a touch of Brett. At this point, the Brett flavors are a bit young and top-notey, having a somewhat cereal-like character without a lot of depth, but they do marry well with the other fermentation notes present. The contribution from the wood is very subtle, but is evident and at an appropriate level for a style such as this. The finish mirrors the rest of the drink quite well, along with an attractive, lightly astringent dryness that prepares you for the next delicious sip.  

The overall impression of this brew is of a flavorful, but rather delicate, soured ale that is quite approachable. It has enough character to please sour beer aficionados while not overwhelming those not yet accustomed to the style. This brew will undoubtedly age well, with young Brett notes becoming more complex and compelling over time.
