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World's Only Airport Brewery Releases New Beer

Airbrau Beer Connoisseur

The world's only airport-only brewery, Munich's Airbräu, has just released a beer made only using traditional methods. And of course, it's brewed in accordance with the Reinheitsgebot.

The golden, unfiltered Aircraft is defined as a "vollbier", or "full beer" – basically, a beer that isn't light (this one is 4.9% ABV). According to a release from the airport the beer is produced using hops from the nearby Hallertau region," with "fruity" notes from its four to five week-long fermentation. 

"Craft beer is anything but a passing fad," says Gerhard Halamoda, managing director of Munich Airport's restaurant subsidiary Allresto. "With this new variety, AirCraft, we are combining our enthusiasm for innovation with time-honored brewing traditions to offer a very special creation to customers visiting the world's only brewery in an airport."


Auspex's picture

"The world's only airport-only brewery" is a heck of a claim. Check out Archibald microbrasserie at Montreal's Trudeau airport.
