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Dan Martich's picture


December, 2016
Judges Rating: 
18 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

The nose of medium-low fruity esters,  and very ripe pineapple fruit welcomes the taster.  There's also a low level of citrus lime peel, with light caramel and floral hops.  The beer pours copper and cloudy with an off white head thickness.  Lots of small bubbles slowly rise to the surface to display the medium carbonation level.  The flavor is of malty caramel, not sweet, then quickly turns to tea, with a green tea dryness.  This flavor profile gives this beer an interesting note and plays well with the caramel malt flavor.  A low floral hop character balances this malt forward beer underlining the high proportion of tea.   The body remains medium-light with a creaminess that smooths out the mouthfeel.  There's a small amount of astringency perhaps from the tea leaves.  Overall a recipe combination that works well.  This beer drinks like a session ale, and has a flavor profile that invites having more than one glass.  The caramel aroma and flavor tricks the drinker, and the green tea quality rewards her/him.  A very good beer for the non-traditionalist beer drinker.  
