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Susan Ruud's picture

Kiss From A Gose

February, 2017
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

Peace Tree Brewing Company's Kiss From A Gose is being evaluated as a Gose (Historical Beer, BJCP Category 27). This Gose poured with a huge white head that died almost immediately. There were no bubbles on the surface at all, which was a bit disappointing, yet it still had Champagne-like bubbles shooting up thru the liquid and is noticeably spritzy on the tongue. The aroma was a bit wheaty and floral with no noticeable hops. The flavor was pleasant, tart, sweet and salty. A touch of fruitiness with lemon notes and a light saltiness lingers. A great combination of aromas and flavors makes this a very refreshing beer that you want to keep coming back to.