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Savannah Brown Ale

February, 2017
Judges Rating: 
17 / 24
4 / 6
30 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
12 / 20

Savannah Brown Ale by Coastal Empire Beer Co. is a brown ale and was judged as an American brown ale (BJCP sub-style 19C). It poured deep brown into the glass where it set up clear with a moderate but short-lived tan head. The aroma was fairly neutral with a few non-roasty malt notes and a slight metallic tang. The flavor profile led off with some caramel and brown malt followed by mild hop bitterness without obvious hop character or varietal “signature” though a low hopping level especially late in the boil, may account for that. The mouthfeel was characterized by very low carbonation and a coiny palate sensation first suggested in the aroma. This brown ale had little to commend it or reflect its target  style except for color. Whether intended to be an American or English brown ale, it failed to feature anything that would make it more than an average version of the style.