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Rodenbach Fruitage - Session Sour

April, 2017
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Poured from what appeared to be an eight-ounce bottle into a nine-ounce snifter and subsequently reviewed as per BJCP 2015 style guidelines under catagory 23B European Sour Ale , Flanders Red Ale.

A complex blend of aromatics delight the nostrils upon first pour. Dark cherries are first evidenced and combine pleasantly with a light lactic tartness and just a touch of brettanomyces.

Burgundy in color and capped with a light pink head this beer reflects a slight haze which one might attribute to fruit pectin extracted from the cherries omnipresent here.

The flavor profile manifests a quintessential balance of  fruity character and tartness along with oaky notes while the malt remains complementary. The body is thin and leads into a dry finish while alcohol is present at subdued levels which enhances the refreshing quality of this effort.

A truly one of a kind easy drinking sour that delivers a complexity of flavors and aromas without the use of higher alcohol levels.