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Good People Brewing Co. Announces Its Summer Seasonal, JUCO Southern IPA

The fine people at Alabama's Good People have announced their newest seasonal, JUCO Southern IPA. For more details, see below:

BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA—Good People Brewing Co., the oldest and largest brewery in the state of Alabama, announces their new summer seasonal, JUCO Southern IPA.

Named after those summers spent in the classroom, JUCO scores high grades in flavor and hoppy taste. This 4.2% ABV session IPA has notes of pine and lemon zest and features Columbus, Mosaic, Simcoe, and Equinox hops. These may just be the best 6 beers of your life.

JUCO Southern IPA will be available on draft starting May 1st and in 12 oz. cans May 15th. Good People will put on promotions and samplings throughout its distribution footprint through the summer.

For up-to-date information about this brew and events, “like” Good People Brewing  on Facebook or follow on Twitter or Instagram at @GPBrewing.


Good People Brewing Co., located in Birmingham, Alabama, is a leader in the South’s craft beer movement. Founded in 2008, it was the first craft brewery in the Southeast to can its beers. For more information on Good People’s beers—and the good people behind them—visit
