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Richard Wong's picture

Blood Orange Wheat Ale

July, 2017
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This Full Sail Brewing Company beer was judged as a Fruit Beer (BJCP 29A).

The pour resulted in a nice light golden hue with slight chill haze. The carbonation was light and moderate that resulted in good lacing on the side of the glass.  The aroma had a very distinctive and nice citrus scent and little/no hops. The flavor of this beer was well balanced between the malt and the hops. It featured a very light malt base and a light hop bittering. The blood orange or citrus flavors really do come out of this beer and was noticeably picked up in the palate. The blood orange dominates the flavor of this beer while the malt and hops linger in the background. The mouthfeel and body of this beer was light and refreshing. It had a light carbonation that was just right for the style, and the finish was crisp and dry along with a slight tartness (due to the blood oranges).  A wonderful quenchable beer on a nice hot day.
