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Tracy Hensley's picture


July, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Upon pouring, I first notice the aroma of creamed bananas, followed by a warm chocolate brownie covered in a boozy vanilla fudge sauce. The beer has a creamy, dark tan head that clings to the sides of the glass, and is a dark, almost opaque, rusty brown color. The flavor starts with bits of roasted coffee beans and cacao nibs sprinkled on a dark chocolate bar with a spicy vanilla finish. It ends with a warming sensation and a dry, slightly bitter cocoa powder flavor. This beer is a pleasing balance of full-bodied stout and high carbonation, followed by moderate mouth-coating bitterness and slick alcohol heat. For an alcoholic, intensely flavored beer, this is ready to be savored for a night. With additional aging, a prominent ethanol note would mellow out.
