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James Link's picture

Black Lager

August, 2017
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This beer was appraised as an 8A Schwarzbier following the guidelines established by the Beer Judge Certification Program in 2015.

Schwarzbiers are not the run of the mill German lagers in that they are the only lagers that manifest a roasted malt character. The aforementioned roast is first evident here in the aroma which is rich and cleanly expressed. Bready malt notes are also present and blend nicely with the darker grains.

A dark brown almost black colored beer with mahogany edges that support a light tan head.

The flavor profile expresses only a subtle roast that balances appropriately with the base grains and avoids the sharpness often delivered by highly kilned malts. Hops are of a Noble variety and are suitably subdued.

A medium bodied lager with moderate alcoholic warmth that leads into a dry finish. An excellent example of the style with just the right touch of darkened malts to please.
