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Jim Koebel's picture

Stickee Monkee

Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
33 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Specialty beers like this aren't brewed to fit into any particular style, though they may riff on one. This example, aged in bourbon barrels, certainly takes the Dark Strong Ale category up a notch. Oak and vanilla aromas are dominant, backed up by booze, rich caramel sweetness, and dark fruit. It pours a very dark brown with garnet highlights and a low tan head that forms a ring along the glass. Its flavor is also dominated by oak and vanilla, but has a deeper complexity than the aroma.  It is cakey, fruity and always sweet. Caramel flavors are moderately strong, with notes of cola, anise, coconut, and raisin. The very sweet, malty finish is offset somewhat by wood tannins, ethanol warmth, and moderately high carbonation.  This full-bodied beer is a monster and will appeal to those who prefer aggressive flavors.